Sunday, July 24, 2011

Lieutenant Dan was Right: Day 2 of FTX

15 July 2011

I'm sure everyone has seen the movie Forrest Gump, or at least that is what I am going to assume. I am constantly reminded of the Army scene where Lieutenant Dan tells his platoon to "take care of their feet" by always changing their socks. I now have 3 new best friends compliments of the U.S. Army: 1) sock liners 2) mole skin 3) foot powder. It doesn't matter if I'm soaking wet with sweat, rain, or covered in dirt and mud, if my socks are fresh then I can pretty much go all day! Thanks Lieutenant Dan!

Day 2 of Field Training Exercise 1 started with a 0500 wake up. Still pitch black dark the platoon packed their gear, filled in their "beds" and got dressed to start the day. We waited until 0645 and marched to chow at the TOC. Same format applied for this chow as well, eating while laying in the weeds. We had a full day of instructional learning: formation moving, hand signals, how to crawl with weapons and other tactical formations. The drill sergeants even launched a few blank rounds so we could practice our "INCOMING!!" We ended in the field around 1600 hrs. I will be honest, I was ready to get back and shower and get out the clothes I had been in for 36 hrs. We had dinner in the DFAC and a nice warm shower. FTX 1 down, 2 to go.


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