Monday, August 1, 2011

BRM-Qualification Day

27 July 2011
Day 39

0415 wake up today and no PT! First formation was at 0600. We had field chow in the CTA (area of our barracks). We took trans to the Qualification Range and "set up shop." 2nd and 3rd platoon got to go first while 1st and 4th platoons conducted concurrent training. The concurrent training consisted of working on front, left, and right firing positions when engaging the enemy.

1045 was my platoon and 4th platoon's turn to go. Same format as the practice days; 40 rounds to hit 40 targets. I was in the 11th firing order on lane 6. The weather was overcast yet humid as you know what. Around 12:00, I was done and qualified! Felt good to be done with that! In 1st platoon all but 5 qualified on the first attempt. Still waiting to hear if we won the streamer or not.

We qualification was over (around 14:00) we conducted more concurrent training and went over Buddy Movements under fire (placement behind cover while moving in successive bounds).

We returned to the barracks around 16:00 and conducted "heat dumps" (really cold showers) and cleaned our rifles. Chow was at 18:00 and we pretty much did bay maintenance until lights out and 21:00.

This Saturday we have our 2nd APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test). My goal is at least a 225. I got a 208 last time. Passing is 150.


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